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Coltrain For
Virginia HD 98


Democratic Challenger for The Virginia House of Delegates District 98


Meet Zach 

Zachary Coltrain is the youngest person in Virginia to run for the House of Delegates. 

As a Virginia Beach local, Zachary Coltrain deeply cares for what happens in our city. Through campaigning for Elaine Luria and other local campaigns Zach has always striven to be a part of Virginia Beach politics.


Important Issues

Environmental Protection

The protection of the environment is one of Zachary's top priorities. In Virginia Beach, and specifically the Pungo area, protecting the wildlife and their habitat is crucial. Advocating for the most resources to protect our flora and fauna in Richmond is a no-brainer for Zach. 


As a 2020 graduate of the VBCPS, Zachary is very familiar with what happens in the Virginia Beach school system. There are many problems with the school system that have been exposed since Covid-19 begun and Zach seeks to rectify all the wrongs and make sure that students and teachers are safe. Making sure students receive a proper education is very critical, and a right.


Healthcare expansion means so much more than just throwing around buzzwords. Healthcare is a right that should be protected for all. Zach believes in forwarding policies that will expand rehabilitative services in schools and hospitals. He believes in ensuring all hospitals and medical transportation units are fully equipped, and that mental health care, in all forms, needs to be treated as genuine aid in our communities. As a future music therapist, it is Zachs' hope that Virginia becomes a commonwealth bursting with resources for client rehabilitation.

Cannabis Legalization

The cannabis legalization process seems to be at a standstill in VA. It’s time to move forward with retail sales and remove all cannabis-related offenses from past records/immediately release anyone still serving time on sole cannabis offenses. 

Donate to #ColtrainVB98 today!

All donations are deeply appreciated! Donations are critical for Zachs' campaign (unlike his opponent... who is a millionaire)


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Coltrain for VA 98 

(757) 412-8616

1877 Pleasant Ridge Road Virginia Beach, VA 23457

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